Improve Innovation Systems to Enable Socially Desirable Tech | Dr.Dr. René von Schomberg

“The functioning of the market is not the responsibility of individual companies but the responsibility of the State.”
— René von Schomberg, 2021

How can we drive innovations toward socially desirable outcomes? Moreover, how can we improve the structure of our innovation systems to incentivise collaboration and meaningful innovation that address pressing global challenges? In episode 6 of Future Up Close, René von Schomberg* (Brussels, Belgium) kindly shares his experience and the latest on innovation policies and programmes designed to improve the quality of our innovation systems and encourage us to become agents of socially desirable change.

Watch Full Episode

Dr. Dr.phil. René von Schomberg is a philosopher and an STS scholar. He graduated as an agricultural scientist in Wageningen, the Netherlands, and was a European Union Fellow at George Mason University, the USA, in 2007. René has been with the European Commission since 1998 and is currently also a Guest Professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt in Germany.

René is the author/editor of 15 books and his publications have appeared in a half dozen languages. He is the first editor of the most comprehensive book on responsible innovation to date: The International Handbook on Responsible Innovation. A global resource (Edward Elgar, 2019).

René runs a blog which hosts a diverse range of free downloadable documents on responsible innovation, socio-economic aspects of emerging technologies, ethics and open science.

Watch Full Episode:

  1. René von Schomberg's responsible innovation journey

  2. What responsible innovation symbolises at this point in history

  3. Improving the rewards and incentives of research systems through Open Science at the European Commission

  4. Tools for Open Science - what are they?

  5. How can we ensure that the direction we give to innovations align with changing local values?

  6. Why should we build innovation systems where commercial success and social desirability go hand-in-hand? e.g. COVID

  7. Role of education: citizens as co-creators not "receivers" of innovation

  8. Why public governance is key to improving the "Responsiveness" of responsible innovation

  9. What can we learn from past crises (e.g. global financial crisis) to better prepare for future crises in AI, biotech, social media & other more "intimate" technologies?

  10. How can we ensure that the S&T policies we introduce are themselves responsible?

  11. Key innovation policies and changes that business leaders should watch out for

  12. Closing question: what's one thing that René would like to see happen during his career?

You can learn more about:

  • René’s blog:

  • The interview was conducted in a personal capacity. The views expressed here are those of the author and may not be regarded as stating an official position of the European Commission.

Xiao Han Drummond

Founder & CEO, Centre for Responsible Innovation (CforRI)

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